Otomobil Lojistiği - Alman Bakış Açısı
Tarih: 21 Mayıs 2014, Çarşamba
Saat: 13:00
Yer: Dolapdere Kampüsü, 602
Konuşmacı: Prof. Dr. Christopher W. Stoller (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University)
Erasmus kapsamında, Alman otomotiv lojistiği endüstrisi hakkında Prof. Dr. Christopher W. Stoller’un vereceği ders, öncelikli olarak LOT-431 öğrencilerine ve diğer Uluslararası Lojistik ve Taşımacılık Bölümü öğrencilerine açıktır.
Prof. Dr. Christopher W. Stoller, LL.B.
After reading law at the universities of Münster, Aberystwyth (Diploma in European Law and Government), Würzburg (Master’s) and London (Postgraduate Bachelor of Laws) Prof. Stoller obtained his doctoral degree from Ruhr-Universität Bochum with a thesis on the emergence of large law firms. Prof. Stoller trained as a judge and qualified to the bar in 1999. He joined the logistics industry as an assistant to the board. Various management positions at Fiege, SNCF-Geodis, General Overnight and CEVA Logistics for whom he worked as project manager, managing director and sales/marketing responsible on regional levels followed for many years. With effect from September 2013 Prof. Stoller was appointed as a Professor at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Lörrach. His main interests within logistics management are contract logistics, post-merger integration and business development / sales. He is married and has three children. He lives in Frankfurt.
About Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Lörrach
The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University as state-owned higher institutions of education was established in 1974. The curriculum combines practical training and university education, aiming to provide both practice-oriented and academic-based theoretical knowledge. Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University addresses all high-school seniors (with university entry qualification) interested in an alternative to university or technical/professional college. Currently 33.000 students are enrolled in eleven sites in Baden-Wuerttemberg. More than 9.000 cooperating companies and institutions are engaged in providing the practical part of the dual education. In 85-90% of all cases, after the final exam, graduates are offered contracts of employment. The practice-oriented education at the Universities of Cooperative Education on the highest academic and technological level meets the steadily increasing demand for management skills. From this point of view these Universities offer their graduates the chance of a smooth professional transition with excellent career opportunities.