Exhibition: Material Diary

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workshop by Aslı Kıyak İngin

Date: April 16-30, 2013
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E3-2nd floor

BİLGİ Faculty of Architecture Industrial Design Department course: "ID 202-Industrial Design Studio" (Spring 2012-2013)  

Meriç Kara - Özgür Atlagan

As a part of the “Made in Şişhane” Project events, Material Diary Workshop approached the craft  neighborhoods, which are under threat of decentralization, as a part of design education and re-situated the studio in the city. In the course of seven weeks the students, working at craft ateliers in Şişhane and Galata,  experienced master-apprentice relationship and craft oriented production and documented their experience and knowledge about the production system that they temporarily engaged with, using photography and video, keeping journals and posting on the Material Diary Workshop blog. The exhibiting components produced emerge as a concrete expression of the whole process.
