ENPHE (European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education) Seminar
Date: March 21-22, 2014
This seminar, hosted by İstanbul Bilgi University, is meant for all Working Group members, all ENPHE members who want to contribute to the development of the Working Groups (EU Directives (ESCO); Internationalization; Practice Placed Learning; Contemporary Approaches to Learning & Teaching; Research) and the International Student Body (ISB) representatives.
The goal is to make progress in the development of the 5 WG-themes and to prepare for the conference in Tartu 2014.
Executive Committee:
Raija Kuisma (United Kingdom) ENPHE President
Wil Dielis (Netherlands) Vice-President &Treasure &Website/Pr
Mark Sacco (Malta) Coordinator - ENPHE Projects
Vilma Dudoniene (Lithuania) Coordinator - Conference & Seminar
Katri Kämäräinen (Finland) Coordinator - Facilities & Overseas Students
ENPHE Secretary:
Greetje Annink (Netherlands)
ENPHE 2014 Local Coordinator:
Ferda Dokuztuğ Üçsular (Turkey)
Local Organising Committee:
Rehat Faikoğlu (Turkey) (Director)
Elçin Dereli (Turkey) (Member)
Aycan Çakmak (Turkey) (Member)
Hülya Şişli (Turkey) (Member)
Demet Tekin (Turkey) (Member)
Koray Özkan (Turkey) (Local Secretary)
Place: Hilton Garden Inn İstanbul Golden Horn (İmrahor Cad. Dutluk Sok. No:3 Sütlüce)
For detailed information: enphe.org
Click for the Registration Form.