Civil Society Studies Seminar: “EU Support to Civil Society in Turkey, Looking from a Policy Instrument Perspective”
Date: May 15, 2015 Friday
Time: 19.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E2-301
Speaker: Claire Visier (University of Rennes)
In this seminar, Claire Visier will give a talk on her current research about European Funded Projects in Turkey, with a focus on projects aimed at civil society. She will hightlight the need to take into account the policy instruments (the concrete techniques used to implement the project) to better understand the type of civil society organisations involved in the European projects and the potential impact of the European Funds in Turkey.
The talk will be held in English.
Claire Visier:
Claire Visier is a French associate professor in Political Science, working at the University of Rennes. She is currently Marie Curie fellow, attached to the Bilgi European Institute.