The 5th Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design Program
Date: May 30-31, 2014
Time: 9.45-18.15
Place: santralistanbul Campus, ÇSM-403
This workshop is organized by İstanbul Bilgi University Murat Sertel Center for Advanced Economic Studies.
MAY 30, Friday
09:45 -10:45 Market Design I
1.Bettina Klaus (University of Lausanne) "Stochastic Stability in Assignment Problems"
2. Rahmi İlkılıç (Bilkent University) "Cournot Competition on Networked Markets"
11:00 -12:30 Bargaining and Coalitions
1. Mehmet Karakaya (İzmir Katip Çelebi University) "Coalition Formation Games with Variable Populations: Core Characterizations and (Im)Possibilities"
2. Emin Karagözoğlu (Bilkent University) "When the Going Gets Tough or Easy in Bargaining"
3. Özgür Kıbrıs (Sabancı University) "On Surplus-Sharing Rules in Partnerships"
14:00 - 15:00 Individual Behavior and Choice I
1. Jordi Brandts (Institute of Economic Analysis, Barcelona) "Stand by Me. Experiments on Help and Commitment in Coordination Games"
2. Deniz Nebioğlu (İstanbul Bilgi University) " News Shocks and Labor Supply: An Experimental Study"
15:15 -16:15 Collective Choice I
1. Maurice Salles (University of Caen) "On Logic and Social Choice"
2. Onur Doğan (İstanbul Bilgi University) "Anonymous and Neutral Social Choice: Breaking the Ties"
16:45 -18:15 Culture and Society
1. Maria Paz Espinosa (University of the Basque Country) "Solidarity and Information"
2. Nick Baigent (London School of Economics) "Aggregate Violence: Theory and Experiments"
3. Neslihan Üler Masatlıoğlu (University of Michigan) "The Effect of Information and Culture on Giving"
MAY 31, Saturday
09:15 - 10:15 Collective Choice II
1. Ali İhsan Özkes (İstanbul Bilgi University and Ecole Polytechnique) "Endogenous Cognitive Hierarchy Model: Theory and a Voting Experiment"
2. Fatma Aslan (İstanbul Bilgi University) "Minimal Maskin-Monotonic Extensions of Compromise Solutions"
10:30 - 11:30 Politics and Elections
1. Aitor Ciarreta (University of the Basque Country) " Private Interest Politics"
2. Hayrullah Dindar (İstanbul Bilgi University) "Swapping-proof Two-Tiers Voting Rules"
11:45 -12:45 Individual Behavior and Choice II
1. Nikolaos Georgantzis (University of Reading) "Is Homo Economicus a Psychopath?"
2. Klaus Abbink (Monash University) "How to choose your Victim?"
13:00 -15:00 Market Design II
1. Deniz Selman (Boğaziçi University) "Simultaneous Auctions with Private and Common Values"
2. Mehmet Barlo (Sabancı University) "School Choice with Status Quo Bias"
15:15 - 16:45 Game Theory
1. Walter Trockel (İstanbul Bilgi University) "Shapley & Shubik TU Market Games Revisited"
2. Kerim Keskin (Bilkent University) "An Organizational Refinement of Nash Equilibrium"
3. Semih Koray (Bilkent University) "The α - and β- Cores Revisited under γ-Transferability"
17:15 - 18:15 Individual Behavior and Choice III
1. Umut Keskin (İstanbul Bilgi University) "Bayesian Expected Utility and Non-Bayesian Ambiguity"
2. Yusufcan Masatlıoğlu (University of Michigan) "Stochastic Reference Points, Loss Aversion and Choice under Risk"