The Soul of Fashion Photo Exhibition

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The Soul of Fashion Photography Exhibition is a selection of photographs compiled from the works by students attending the "FBA234 Introduction to Fashion Photography" course. The Soul of Fashion exhibition is the product of close-up shots, which are the first practical work of the course.

The close-up shots taken by the students are an exploration, a study of the daily materials used in the fashion world. It strives to reach the soul of the materials they use by going beyond the physical appearance of the materials they use, without going in different directions, only by getting closer. The aim was for the students to use the ordinary mundane materials they look at and use every day to accentuate the difference between looking and seeing, and to discover that there is another reality and appearance behind their physical appearance by only getting closer to these objects in the photographs they took. In other words, they were meant to discover, see and show the soul of the objects they shot. By adding their own artistic vision to the simple mundane materials, they revealed the aesthetic value in these objects in their successful photographs.


Dates: May 31st – June 14th, 2024

Opening Reception: 18:00, May 31st, 2024

Location: santralistanbul Campus, Energy Museum


Works by:

Ayşenur Çetinkaya

Berfin Atbaş

Cemre Fidancı

Deniz Aydemir

Derin Poyraz

Dooa Alamami

Ebru Araz

Eylül Certel

Hale Nur Gültekin

İlhan Bozgül

İnci Tabaklar

Lara Çaloğlu

Livanur Günay

Melisa Sütçü

Narod Alice Yeşiltepe

Petek Girit

Sabri Kemal Bozkurt

Simay Saltoğlu

Simay Taner

Sude Güner

Sueda Şekerci

Zeynep Şahin

Zeynep Ekin Mert

Zeynep Sude Tuç