
Funded Research Projects:

TUBITAK 3501 Project

Project Code: 114E549 Project Title: Optically Powered and Optically Programmable CMOS Based Biomedical Microsystem Design for Remote  Patient Monitoring and Intervention. Duration: 2 years- Project Completed

An optically powered, optically programmable CMOS biomedical system for remote patient monitoring and intervention will be realized with this project. The designed microsystem can be operated in two modes (1) Monitoring and (2) intervention. The whole system will be designed monolithically on the same die. The system will also be operated by a single laser source for both powering and programming. The advantages of proposed microsystem can be given as; (1) the system will utilize a single light source which will eliminate complex power and data transmission circuitry; (2) the microsystem will consume very small area (mm2 ), since optical components and electrical circuitry will be designed on the same die; (3) the microsystem will be energy efficient since it uses optical energy for powering (4) For the same reason, a continuous operation is feasible. 

TUBITAK 1003 Project

Project Code: 116E673 Project Title: Minus- Minyatür Kablosuz Tıbbi Ultrasonik Görüntüleme Probu

Duration: 2 years

İstanbul Bilgi University BAP

Project Title: Haberleşme Sistemleri İçin Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Lineer Gecikme Hattı Tümleşik Devre Tasarımı

Duration: 18 Months

Applied Research Projects:

TUBITAK 3001 Project

Project Code: 117E840 Project Title: Sığaç Algılayıcıların Sayısal Ölçümü ve Kablosuz İletimi için Düşük Güçlü Tümleşik Devre Tasarımı

Duration: 2 years

TUBITAK 3001 Project

Project Code: 217Z269 Project Title: Döngü aracılı izotermal amplifikasyon-kablosuz/elektrotsuz kuvars kristal mikroterazi kanser erken tanı biyosensör sistemi kavram ispatı

Duration: 2 years