Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

Yusuf Yüksekdağ

+90 212 311 7734

Santralistanbul / E4-108

İlgi Alanları

Ethics of digital communication technologies, smart city, human rights, theories of justice, urban justice, media ethics and migration

Verdiği Dersler

MED 167 - Reading Data
MED 210 - Intellectual Heritage
MED 425 - Ethics in the Digital Age
TVJ 205 - Theoretical Debates of Communication
TVJ 406 - Philosophy on Screen
MED 506 - Seminar II: Media Research II


PhD in Applied Ethics
Department of Culture and Communication
Linköping University, Sweden

MA in Political Science
Department of Political Science
Central European University, Hungary

BA in Social and Political Sciences
Sabancı University, Turkey