Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

Melike Özmen

Selected Publications

2023 (Expected) - Working Toward a Collaborative Methodology in Art and Design: The Artist's Book

2020 'Intuition as Method' as an Approach for Information Design 

Information design is an interdisciplinary field of research and practice. According to International Institute for Information Design (IIID), information design is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments, with the intention to satisfy the information needs of the intended recipients. Although IIID’s definition indicates a relationship between information, the information designer, the environment, and the users, the definition lacks the roles of the users’ participation and the interaction amongst information, the environment, and the users in the process of designing information. It is possible to define three accounts in the design process. Information design approaches often impose a hierarchical relationship between these three accounts. Bergson’s ‘Intuition as Method’ and its rules can be adapted to bring these three accounts together on a horizontal formation and give the roles of these three separate accounts to the designer instead of applying a hierarchical structure in the design process.

Interactions: Studies in Communication & CultureVolume 11, Issue 1, Apr 2020, p. 37 - 50
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc_00004_1
ISSN: 1757-2681 E-ISSN: 1757-269X

Link: https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/iscc_00004_1

2016 Sıkışma: An Alternative Information Design Project for Ihlamur Pavilions Istanbul

Sıkışma is a transmedia information design project which focuses on Ihlamur Pavilions and the Ihlamur area. Ihlamur hosts Ihlamur Pavilions since 19th Century. It is located within Beşiktaş district in Istanbul. Nowadays, the buildings belong to TBMM (The Grand National Assembly of Turkey) National Palaces and are used as a Museum-Café. There is a conventional wayfinding & signage system for outdoor areas of the Pavilions. The system also includes two separate boards focusing on the history of Ihlamur and Ihlamur Pavilions. However, the information provided on these boards seems inadequate, and the boards are physically damaged. According to the Universal Design approach, it is possible to achieve good and functional design and solve the inadequacy problem by physically fixing information boards and re-setting the environment around the information boards according to Universal Design principles. Although these principles provide solutions for important issues such as mobility, stability, and accessibility, it doesn’t provide sufficient proof of user engagement in terms of the creation of the content. The project Sıkışma offers an approach that is concerned with content as with form and suggests that it is possible to infer a universal form from the content created through the personal experience of the designer as a user. It is also intended to represent the past and the present through the project and to create an understanding of plausible scenarios of the unknown future in the viewers’ minds.

Universal Design 2016: Learning from the Past, Designing for the Future H. Petrie et al. (Eds.) © 2016 The authors and IOS Press. 
SeriesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
EbookVolume 229: Universal Design 2016: Learning from the Past, Designing for the Future
Pages 416 - 418

Link: https://ebooks.iospress.nl/publication/44523

2016 Have You Seen This Bus? Information Design Problems in Public Spaces in Istanbul and an Intervention on Public Transportation in Dikilitaş Neighborhood

This project indicates the importance of accurate information to be transmitted to the public and the problems related to the lack of information about public bus transportation in the Dikilitaş neighborhood, Istanbul, via transmedia storytelling. IETT provides public transportation services in Istanbul. It uses several communication channels such as the institution's website, smartphone application, information screens on the bus stations, and information screens inside the buses to convey essential information about public transportation to the passengers. However, none of these tools are working properly, and they fail to give accurate information to passengers. Dikilitaş is located on a high hill in Beşiktaş, and it is hard for residents - especially for people with varying types of physical disabilities, elders, children, and people with heavy belongings - to reach their desired destination in the area by walking. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the residents' attention to these problems and to enforce IETT to propose solutions to them. In this process, firstly, the erroneous information provided by IETT is gathered, and IETT is informed about that information via e-mail and their call-center. Secondly, the opinions of the residents about these problems are monitored via participant observation and interviews. All of these conversations, observations, and interview records are gathered on a blog(http://buotobusugordunuzmu.tumblr.com). This information is transferred into a pop-up book with my personal storyline. A leaflet is designed and hung on the bus stations around the neighborhood to attract the attention of the residents to the blog. Furthermore, a promotional video of the book is recorded and published on the blog. In conclusion, the residents started to get in touch with IETT via e-mails and call-center to complain about the problems in public transportation services in Dikilitaş. IETT declared that they accepted the problem and promised to provide a solution later in 2015.

Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 4(2), pp. 59 - 66 
DOI: 10.13189/sa.2016.040203 

ISSN: 2331-6179 (print) ­| 2331-6187 (online)

Link: https://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=3442

Selected Exhibitions

Uluslararası Kültür Sanat ve İletişim Sempozyumu / International Culture Art ad Communication Symposium
Gelenekten Geleceğe / From Tradition to Future 
Karma Sergi / Group Exhibition 

13-14-15 Mayıs 2022
Bayburt Üniversitesi 
Bâbertî Külliyesi
Kültür Merkezi

"Çıkışı Aramak"/"Looking for The Exit"
Karma Sergi/Group Exhibition 

Çevrimiçi Sergi Alanı
İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Sanat Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi

3rd Istanbul Design Biennial – Are We Human? 

(Istanbul Design Biennial is organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV))

Sıkışma Video, Cut-out/Stop-motion Animation, 2 mins. Galata Rum Ilkokulu

22 October - 20 November 2016, Istanbul, TR

1st International Mail Art Biennial
Namık Kemal University, Exhibition Hall
23 March – 14 April 2016, Tekirdağ, TR

Istanbul Design Week (IDW)
Good 50x70 Exhibition
Tables Will Turn, Poster, 50x70cm 

Old Galata Bridge 
2 -3 October 2011, Istanbul, TR

Exhibition 02
Okan University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Exhibition 

Mecidiyeköy Art Gallery
15 April – 12 May 2011, Istanbul, TR

Exhibition 01
Okan University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Exhibition

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Exhibition Hall
4 November 2010 – 8 January 2011, Istanbul, TR

Graduation Exhibition
Baskent University, Visual Arts and Design Department

Baskent University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Exhibition Hall
11 June 2010 – 11 July 2008, Ankara, TR

“Gelecek Başkent’te”
Karma Sergi/Group Exhibition
A Collection of Graphic Design Works

Çankaya Contemporary Arts Center
24 April 2010 – 4 May 2007, Ankara, TR

Turkish American Projects Exhibition
Minnesota University and Baskent University International Art and Design Project 
(Ankara and Duluth image generation for the Design Inventory Project, Digital Passage, and Arabesque/Tulip Project)

Duluth Logos in several techniques and dimensions
Tweed Museum of Art, UMD 30 October 2007 – 30 December 2007, Duluth, USA