Soylu, Y., Karaca Salgamcioglu, B., Biyuk Oksuz, K. (2022) The Analysis of the School Factor in Industrial Design
Competitions: 2015-2020 İMMİB Competition Student Category Winners, Journal of Design Studio, V.4, N.2, pp 125-138.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
Yasemin Soylu
Articles published in other international peer-reviewed journals
Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu, B., Soylu, Y. and Sağın, E. (2022), Design Exploration for Medication Adherence of Elderly: A Conceptual Twist Using Affordances. Online Journal of Art and Design. Vol. 10, Iss. 2. (DAAI)
Soylu, Y. and Er, Ö. (2016) On the horns of glocalization: A case study in the needlecraft industry –Coats Turkey, Craft Research 7:2, pp. 263-74, doi: 10.1386/crre.7.2.263_1. (DAAI)