Faculty Member, PhD

Zeynep Damla Taşkın

+90 212 311 5278

Santralistanbul / SA 412


Ph.D: Galatasaray University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Private Law, 2023

Dissertation topic: Pledge on receivables with a focus on the funds credited to the bank account

LL.M: Galatasaray University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Private Law, 2017

Dissertation topic: Contract Formation as per Turkish Code of Obligations

LLB: Galatasaray University, Faculty of Law, 20012

Rewards and Achievements

Research Scholarship of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK - 2214-A), 2020/1 (6 months)

Research Scholarship of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), September 2020-August 2021 (12 months)

Research Scholarship of the Max-Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, September-October 2020 (2 months)

Intensive Language Course Scholarship of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), July-August 2018 (2 months)