Assoc. Prof.

Ilgar Şafak

+90 212 311 7484

Santralistanbul / EN1 103



  • Hydrodynamics
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrology
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Coastal Engineering
  • Oceanography
  • Senior Design Project I
  • Senior Design Project II
  • Construction Management and Investment Analysis
  • Introduction to Civil Engineering
  • Summer Practice II

Areas of Interest

  • Coastal, ocean, estuarine, riverine, and lacustrine physics: Waves, Hurricanes, Currents, Tides, Sediment transport, Turbulence
  • Hurricanes and their coastal impacts
  • Numerical modeling and simulation of coastal, ocean, estuarine, riverine, and lacustrine hydrodynamics
  • Adapting aquatic systems to natural and anthropogenic stressors and climate change; nature-based solutions
  • Morphodynamic evolution of coastal, estuarine, riverine, and lacustrine zones
  • Data analysis of coastal, ocean, estuarine, riverine, and lacustrine hydrodynamics
  • Coastal, ocean, estuarine, riverine, and lacustrine field experiments
  • Coastal and ocean structures; nature-based solutions; living shorelines

Rewards and Achievements

  • Mendenhall Research Fellowship Project Investigation Award, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award from the journal of Ocean Modelling
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award from the journal of Continental Shelf Research
  • NAUI SCUBA Diver: Open Water, Advanced Diving, Rescue Diving, Nitrox, AAUS-Cert Scientific Research Diving certified

Other Information

     Citations   h-index    i10

  • 737             17           20    ( Google Scholar )
  • 504            13            18     ( Web of Science )

Scientific research projects

  • Linking coastal ocean processes to shoreline change -- United States Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, USA
  • Predicting shoreline change: Investigation of the performance of a three-dimensional hydrodynamics-based coupled circulation-wave-sediment transport morphodynamic model -- Mendenhall Research Fellowship; United States Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, USA
  • Predicting impacts of extreme storm events (Hurricane Sandy) on coastal systems: Fire Island, New York -- United States Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, USA
  • Long-term drivers, state change and disturbance on the Virginia Coast Reserve: Long-Term Ecological Research -- National Science Foundation
  • Erodibility and Stability of Tidal Flats: Characterization and Prediction -- Office of Naval Research, USA
  • Re-engineering living shorelines to halt erosion and restore coastal habitat functioning in high-energy environments -- Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Wave-sediment interaction in muddy environments: subbottom field experiment -- Office of Naval Research, USA
  • Long-term wind-wave statistics for construction of an undersea rail tunnel (MARMARAY), Bosphorus Strait, Istanbul -- Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, Ocean Engineering Research Center
  • Physical modeling of performance of floating breakwaters in Navene Yacht Harbor in Lake Garda, Italy -- Sistema Walcon (Italy) and Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, Ocean Engineering Research Center
  • Vulnerability of river delta systems to the impacts of climate change: Sakarya River Delta case study -- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1001, (ARDEB, ÇAYDAG 117Y333)

Scientific project proposals and journal manuscripts reviewed

  • National Science Foundation (USA) Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics Program
  • National Science Foundation (USA) Marine Geology and Geophysics Program
  • United States Geological Survey publications (10)
  • TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
  • Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans (9)
  • Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface (1)
  • Geophysical Research Letters (2)
  • Advances in Water Resources (1)
  • Ecological Engineering (2)
  • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (1)
  • Public Library of Science (PLoS) ONE (3)
  • Aquatic Sciences (1)
  • Ocean Modelling (6)
  • Coastal Engineering (1)
  • Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (8)
  • Continental Shelf Research (8)
  • Marine Geology (1)
  • Ocean Dynamics (2)
  • Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (3)
  • Ocean Engineering (2)
  • Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (5)
  • Bulletin of Marine Science (2)
  • Frontiers Marine Science (3)
  • Environmental Engineering Science (1)
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering (1)
  • Journal of Coastal Research (6)
  • Physical Geography (1)
  • Water (3)
  • Sustainability (1)
  • International Journal of Geo-Information (1)
  • United Arab Emirates University (1)


  • United States Geological Survey
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • University of Florida
  • University of Texas-Austin
  • Georgia Tech University
  • Louisiana State University
  • University of Delaware
  • Water Institute of the Gulf
  • North Carolina State University
  • Texas A&M University
  • Tulane University
  • Yildiz Technical University

Conference services

  • Member of the scientific and consulting committees of the 10th Coastal Engineering Symposium 2023 – Izmir, Turkey; November 2023
  • Member of the scientific committee of the 10th Conference on Applied Coastal Research (SCACR 2023); Istanbul, Türkiye; September 2023
  • Member of the scientific committee of the 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2020-21); Istanbul, Turkey; September 2021
  • Member of the scientific committee of the 9th Coastal Engineering Symposium 2018 – Adana, Turkey; November 2018
  • Hydrodynamics session chair at the Rip Currents and Drowning Workshop 2018 – Istanbul, Turkey; June 2018
  • Member of the local organizing committee of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2016 -- ICCE 2016; November 2016
  • Session chair at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2016-- ICCE 2016; November 2016
  • Meeting-mentor for ASLO Multicultural Program at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting; February 2012
  • Judge for “Outstanding Student Paper Award” for “Ocean Sciences” and “Earth and Planetary Surface Processes” sessions at the 2011 and 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meetings, and for “Sediment transport and deposition in lakes, estuaries, and shallow shelves” session at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting

Administrative and academic committee duties

  • Ph.D. Committee member -- Yildiz Technical University, Coastal and Ocean Engineering program
  • Faculty Board member -- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
  • Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (MÜDEK)