Faculty Member, PhD

Elif Kendir Beraha

+90 212 311 7054

Santralistanbul / 6 NO'LU BİNA 604

Elif Kendir-Beraha is an architect and academic at the Faculty of Architecture in Istanbul Bilgi  University. Her PhD research, which focused on traditional Anatolian stonemasonry as a case study displaying the impact of making and craft knowledge on architectural conception, was completed at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. She has a M.Sc. AAD from Columbia University, and a B.Arch. and  M.Arch. from the Middle East Technical University. Her main areas of interest are political ecology of urban environments, craft culture, architectural phenomenology, and the epistemological impact of sites on building praxis. She has exhibited her research nationally and internationally. She has co-founded FOL Collective, an occasionally productive art-design research collaboration with Ceren Balkır Övünç, and has organised and participated arts and design exhibitions within and outside of this framework. Since 2023, she continues her research as a part of Design Anthropology and Critical  Practices [DACP] research group with Amina Rezoug Ayar and Veli Şafak Uysal from Bilgi Faculty of Architecture.


[2014] Ph.D., Architecture,  RMIT University Spatial Information Architecture Lab (Melbourne, Australia). Dissertation: Learning From the Construction Site: An Epistemological Investigation of Stonemasons and Architects in Action. Advisors: Mark Burry, Suzette Worden. External Examiners: Glenn Adamson , Peggy Deamer , Edward Robbins .

[2002] M.Arch., Architecture, METU, high honors. Thesis: Appropriation of the Gigantic: On the Relationship between Architecture and Modern Technology. Advisor: Emel Aközer. Jury: Uğur Tanyeli, Zeynep Mennan, Jale Erzen, Ünal Nalbantoğlu.

[1998] M.Sc., Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University (US). Project Based Masters Program. Studio Instructors: Mojdeh Baratloo; Steven Holl & Yehuda Safran; Zaha Hadid & Patrick Schumacher.

[1996] B.Arch., Architecture, METU, high honors.



ARCH 201-202 Architectural Design Studio

ARCH 332 Tectonic Translations

ARCH 597 Studies in Tectonics

ARCH 542 In Situ: Rethinking Site in Architecture


ARCH 581-582 Design Research Laboratory (Graduate Design Studio)

ARCH 111-112 Basic Design Studio

ARCH 103-104 Architectural Drawing

Areas of Interest

Architectural design, design theory, phenomenology and architecture, craft culture, architectural epistemology, cultural landscapes, epistemological impact of sites on design thinking. 

Rewards and Achievements

2006-09 RMIT University International Scholarship (RUIS), full PhD scholarship
2004 Mention, İstanbul Congress Valley Architectural Design Competition 
2001 Mention, İzmir Port Area Architectural Design Competition (with Teğet Architecture)
2001 Ovidio Wappenstein Ulreich Prize, UIA SECTION 2, UIA International Ideas Competition
1997-98 Turkish Council of Higher Education  full graduate scholarship