
Tuğrul Yazar

+90 212 311 7727

Santralistanbul / KD 6-202

Tuğrul Yazar graduated from Yıldız Technical University's Faculty of Architecture in 2001. Following this, he obtained his Master's degree in Computer-Aided Architecture in 2003 and completed his doctoral studies in 2009 at the same university. With a focus on architectural education and digital design, Tuğrul Yazar has been instructing courses in Architectural Geometry, Design Computation, Design Mathematics, and Parametric Design at Istanbul Bilgi University's Faculty of Architecture since 2011. Achieving the title of associate professor in 2016 and professor in 2021, Yazar has actively contributed as a principal investigator and researcher in scientific projects funded by TÜBİTAK, YTÜ, and İBÜ. His scholarly contributions encompass articles, conference papers, and peer reviews covering topics such as architectural geometry, computational design, and architectural pedagogy. Beyond academia, Yazar engages in consultancy services and workshop leadership for architectural projects, alongside exhibiting his works in diverse exhibitions and biennials.




  • Aktürk, B., Gülen, H., Keskin, B.C., Yazar, T., Akipek, F., (2023). Investigating the Possible Bio-Stabilization of Rammed Earth Through Microorganisms. 4th International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability CMSS23, 8-10 March 2023, Rabat: Morocco.
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., Aktürk B., Gülen H., Özbek M., Miskioğlu Ö., Yeşiloğlu B., (2022), Prototypes of a Design and Fabrication System for Developing Biologically Improved Precast Rammed Earth Blocks, RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction: Fundamentals and Applications for a Circular Economy, Gustave Eiffel University, 19 March 2022, Paris, France
  • Dursun P., Kozikoğlu N., Yazar T., Erden S., (2022), Designerly Way of Investigating Space Syntax Software13th Space Syntax Symposium, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Bergen, Norway
  • Kozikoğlu N., Dursun P., Yazar T., Üneşi O., Erden S., (2022), Space Chase: A Dynamic and Interactive Tool for Architectural Design Process, 13th Space Syntax Symposium, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Bergen, Norway
  • Üneşi O., Yazar T., (2022), Oyun Motoru Tabanlı Sanal Ortamların Mimari Tasarım Stüdyolarında Kullanım Olanaklarının Araştırılması, 16. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), pp. 350-365, Eskişehir Technical University, 25 June 2022, Eskişehir, Turkey
  • Miskioğlu Ö., Akipek F., Yazar T., Gülen H., Aktürk B., Özbek M., (2022), Designing a Sustainable Workflow for the Fabrication of Biologically Improved Rammed Earth Blocks, Kerpic’22: Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development, 9. National Conference, 3 July 2022, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Kozikoğlu N., Dursun P., Yazar T., Balaban B., Üneşi O., Erden M. (2020), Dynamic Architectural Canvas: Designing a relational mapping based architectural design tool, Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the Cognitive Age, 38. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 229-238, TU Berlin, Berlin: Germany
  • Gündüz G., Oral H., Yazar T., (2018), Integration of Design Geometry with Computational Making in Basic Design Studio: A Case Study of Lanterns Project, Computing for a Better Tomorrow, 36. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 439-448, Lódz University of Technology, Lódz: Poland
  • Yazar N.E., Yazar T., (2018), Re-Generating Continuous Rumî Compositions, Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, Bridges 2018 Conference Proceedings, pp. 23-30, Stockholm: Sweden
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., (2017), Growing an Architectural System: Bir Mimari Sistem Büyütmek, Performansa Dayalı Sayısal Tasarım Araştırmaları İçin Prototipler, 11. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), pp. 162-171, Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Turkey
  • Yazar T, Uysal, S., (2017), Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Kavramları Üzerine Bir Çalışma, 11. Digital Design in Architecture Symposium, pp. 126-135, Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Turkey
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., Aydın A., (2016), Performansa Dayalı Tasarım Araştırmaları için Prototipler: Kent Bahçesi Strüktürleri, 10. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), pp. 240-251, İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., (2015), Tasarım Bilgisinin Geri Dönüşümünde Prototipler: A-CHORD Katlanabilir Ahşap Yüzeyler için Bir Prototip Deneyimi, 9. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), pp. 69-81, Özyeğin University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Yazar T., (2014), Design of Dataflow, The Relationship Between Mathematics and Architecture, Nexus 2014 Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Turkey
  • Yazar T., Akipek F., (2013), Infections: Parametric Patterning and Material Behavior, Computation and Performance, 31. eCAADe Conference Proceedings 2, pp. 247-254, TU Delft, Delft: The Netherlands
  • Yazar T., Pakdil O., (2009), Role of Studio Exercises in Digital Design Education: Case Study of the Nine-Square Grid, Computation: The New Realm of Architecture, 27. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 145-152, İstanbul Technical University-Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Çolakoğlu B., Yazar, T., (2009), Designer as Casual Coder: Overview of an Experimental Design Studio, Computation: The New Realm of Architecture, 27. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 145-152, İstanbul Technical University-Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Çolakoğlu B., Yazar T., (2009), Tasarım Eğitiminde Yeni Pedagojik Açılım: Computation, 3. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), pp. 10-12, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., Yalınay Ş., (2008), Parametrik Tasarım Ilişkisellik ve Mimarlık Eğitimi. 2. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), Bilkent University, Ankara: Turkey
  • Çolakoğlu B., Yazar T., (2008), Tasarımı Tasarlamak Matematigin Dünyası Dokular ve Yeni Tasarım Yaratma Yöntemleri. 2. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara: Turkey
  • Çolakoğlu B., Yazar T., Uysal S., (2008), Educational Experiment on Generative Tool Development in Architecture, PatGen: Islamic Star Pattern Generator, Architecture in Computro, 26. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 685-693, Antwerp: Belgium
  • Yazar T., Çolakoğlu B., (2007), QShaper: A CAD Utility for Shape Grammars, Predicting the Future, 25. eCAADe Conference Proceedings, pp. 941-947, FH Wiesbaden, Frankfurt: Germany
  • Çil E., Çolakoğlu B., Erdoğan M., Akipek F., Pakdil O., Yalınay Ş., Yazar T., (2007), Mimarlık Eğitimi ve Sayısal Akıl: İlk Yıl Tasarım Atölyelerinde Uygulanan Alıştırmalara Dair Bazı Notlar, Design Education Seminar, pp. 17-30, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Çil E., Aydın E., Yazar T., Pakdil O., (2007). Bilgisayar Tasarım İlişkisinin Sosyolojik Boyutu. 1. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Turkey
  • Çolakoğlu B., Yazar T., (2007). Mimarlık Tasarım Egitiminde Yeni Bir Model Tasarımı Tasarlamak. 1. National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture (MSTAS), Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Turkey


  • Yazar T, (2022). Parametric Modeling of Parquet Deformations: A Novel Method for Design and Analysis, Space Tessellations: Experimenting with Parquet Deformations, pp. 127-140, doi: 10.1515/9783035625189-008, Birkhauser
  • Yazar T., (2019), Parametric Modeling of a Wooden Folding Structure, Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 24, pp. 1409-1419, Springer, Switzerland
  • Yazar T., Uysal S., (2016), Grasshopper ile Parametrik Modelleme, Pusula Publishing, İstanbul: Turkey
  • İnceoğlu N., Erdoğan M., Böyür A., Yazar T., (2005), Üç Dönüşüm Projesi, Sinan Genim’e Armağan 60.yıl Makaleler, pp. 376-382, Ege Publishing, İstanbul: Turkey


  • Development of Nano Silica Doped, Sodium Carbonate Activated Reactive MgO/slag-based Binder Systems: Rheological, Microstructure Properties, Performance and Manufacturability with Digital Technologies, Ongoing İstanbul Bilgi University Scientific Research Projects Program, nr: 2021.02.007. Team: Büşra Aktürk (İBU Civil Engineering, coordinator), Tuğrul Yazar (İBU Architecture), Didem Oktay (YTU, Civil Engineering), September 2022-March 2024
  • Design and Production of Rammed-earth Panels with Biological Additives as Precast Building Elements: BIRE-PAN, Ongoing İstanbul Bilgi University Research-Development-Innovation (RDI) Program Research Project. Team: Fulya Akipek (coordinator), Tuğrul Yazar (İBU Architecture), Muammer Özbek, Büşra Aktürk (İBU Civil Engineering), Hatice Gülen (İBU Genetics ve Bioengineering) November 2021- November 2024
  • Exploring Game Engine-Based Collaborative Virtual Environments in Architectural Design Studios, Completed İstanbul Bilgi University Scientific Research Projects Program, nr: 2021.01.004, Team: Tuğrul Yazar (İBU Architecture, coordinator), Oğulcan Üneşi, November 2021-June 2022
  • Space Syntax Design Application, Completed Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Academic Research Funding Program Directorate (ARDEB) 1001 Program, Project nr: 119M082. Team: Pelin Dursun Çebi (İTU Architecture, coordinator), Nilüfer Kozikoğlu, Tuğrul Yazar (İBU Architecture), June 2019- January 2021
  • Exploring the Possibilities of Using Robotic Fabrication Technology in the Early Stages of Design Education, Completed İstanbul Bilgi University Scientific Research Projects Program, nr: 2018-02-012. Team: Tuğrul Yazar (coordinator), Gamze Gündüz, Hülya Oral (İBU Architecture), Meryem Yabanigül, November 2018-November 2019
  • E-Collaboration in Architectural Design Education: Remote Access Collaborative Design Project, Completed Yıldız Technical University Scientific Research Projects Program, nr: 27-03-01-01, Team: Birgül Çolakoğlu (coordinator), Tuğrul Yazar (YTU Architecture), April 2004-October
  • Development of Digital-Analytical Images to Support Architectural Design Studios, Completed Yıldız Technical University Scientific Research Projects Program, nr: 24-03-01-02. Team: Ela Çil (coordinator), Canan Akoğlu, Togan Tong, Fulya Akipek, Tuğrul Yazar, Serkan Uysal, Erdal Devrim Aydın (YTU Architecture), January 2007-July 2007


  • Utility Model: Meryem N. Yabanigül, Tuğrul Yazar, Düz Olmayan İnce Sıcak Tel Kesici, 2020/16258, İstanbul Bilgi University


  • International S-ARCH Conference Architecture Awards, Honourable Mention, Common-action Walls project, 2018, Venice: Italy
  • Yıldız Technical University Davutpaşa Campus Entrance Design Contest, Honourable Mention, 2008, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Ivan Petrovic International Young Researcher Award, Honourable Mention, 2009, 27. eCAADe Conference, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Yıldız Technical University Cultural Center Design Contest, First Prize, 2009, design team: Yazar T.,Palabıyık S., Uysal S., İstanbul: Turkey
  • Lift Design International Contest, AYSAD Honourable Mention, 2007, İstanbul: Turkey
  • 7. Akmerkez Screen Design Contest, 2 Honourable Mentions, 2004, design team: İnceoğlu N., Yazar T, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Yıldız Technical University Institute of Applied Sciences graduation with highest grades, 2003
  • 6. Akmerkez Screen Design Contest, 2 Honourable Mentions, 2002, design team: İnceoğlu, N., Alikişioğlu, İ., Yazar, T., İstanbul: Turkey
  • Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture graduation with highest grades, 2001


  • Common-action Walls, IABA 2017 International Antalya Architecture Biennial, 22.09.2017, design team: Akipek F., Yazar T., Karaalioğlu Park, Antalya: Turkey
  • Common-action Gardens II, Beşiktaş International Garden and Flower Festival, 6.05.2016, design team: Akipek F., Yazar T., Çokuğraş I., Aydın A., Nişantaşı Sanat Park, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Common-action Gardens I, IABA 2015 International Antalya Architecture Biennial, 24.10.2015, design team: Akipek F., Yazar T., Aydın A., Karaalioğlu Park, Antalya: Turkey
  • A-Chord, International World Wood Day Exhibition, 28.03.2015, design team: Yazar T., Akipek F., Şişli Sanatçılar Park, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Life Sciences, Vitra Modern Architecture Series 3: Dreams to Realities, design team: Yazar T., Akipek F., İstanbul Modern Art Museum – Ankara TSMD Architecture Center, 13.03.2014, 15.10.2014, İstanbul-Ankara: Turkey


  • Dynamic Canvas, 09.2020, instructors: Dursun Çebi P., Kozikoğlu N., Yazar T., Üneşi O., Balaban B., Erden S., eCAADe 2020 Conference Workshop, Frankfurt: Germany (online)
  • Hydrophilic Structures, 05.2019, instructors: Akipek F., Karabağ K., Yazar T., İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Robotic Earthcrafts, 07.2018, instructors: Akipek F., Yazar T., İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Grasshopper ile Parametrik Modelleme, 26-27.10.2016, instructors: Yazar T., Uysal S., İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Woodstock Design Research Group, 03.2015, instructors: Akipek F., Orhun S., Yazar T., World Wood Day 2015, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Cellular Revisions, AA Summer School İstanbul Workshop, 15-24.06.2015, instructors: Erdine E., Kallegias A., Çam D., Yazar T., Gürsoy B., Aydın A., İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Animate Patterning, 1-4.05.2014, instructors: Akipek F., Yazar T., Altın M. A., Anadolu University, Eskişehir: Turkey
  • Re-Flex Patterning, 6-8.05.2013, instructors: Yazar T., Akipek F., Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu: Turkey
  • Gridal Infections, 5-8.01.2013, instructors: Yazar T., Akipek F., Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Design School in Sarajevo, 19-24.04.2006, instructors: Maslaj N., Pasic A., Zecevid M., Çolakoğlu B., Yazar T., Joint design studio between Yıldız Technical University and Sarajevo University, Sarajevo: Bosnia and Herzegovina / İstanbul: Turkey


  • MSTAS 2016, 10. Digital Design in Architecture Symposium, İstanbul Bilgi University, organization commitee: Aksan A., Erten C., Akipek F., Oral H., Karabağ K., Yalınay Çinici Ş., Yazar T., 27-28.06.2016, İstanbul: Turkey
  • eCAADe 2009, 27. Education and Research in Computer-aided Architectural Design in Europe Conference, İstanbul Technical University and Yıldız Technical University, organization commitee: Çağdaş G., Çolakoğlu B., Yalınay Çinici Ş., Tong T., Gürbüz E., Alaçam Arslan S., Sökmenoğlu A., Akipek F., Uysal S., Yazar T., 16-19.09.2009, İstanbul: Turkey


  • Ekrem Eralp Üstün, Yapay Zeka Çağında Akıllı Binaların Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Programlar Enstitüsü Tarih, Teori, Eleştiri Yüksek Lisans Programı, 2020.
  • Meryem Nurefşan Yabanigül, Robotic Fabrication Workflow for Gyroid-Like Structural Systems, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Programlar Enstitüsü Tarih, Teori, Eleştiri Yüksek Lisans Programı, 2020.
  • Sevde Gülizar Dinçer, Sayısal Ortamda Mukarnas Denemesi: Sultanhanı Örneği, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bilgisayar Ortamında Mimarlık YL. Programı ikinci danışmanlık, danışman: Togan Tong, 2016


  • İstanbul Bilgi University, Panel: Ezri Tarazi, Tuğrul Yazar, Fulya Akipek, Elif Kendir, Moderator: Özlem Er, 2019, İstanbul: Turkey
  • İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Seminar: Parametrik Eğrilerin Kısa Tarihi, 24.04.2018, İstanbul: Turkey
  • İstanbul Bilgi University, Panel: Matematikle Yazılmış Şiir: İslamik Örüntüler, 2.11.2017, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Akipek F., Yazar T., (2017), Tasarım Araştırmaları İçin Prototipler; Kent Bahçesi Strüktürleri, Seminar, Ek-Biç-Ye-İç, 14.01.2017, İstanbul: Turkey



  • Reviewed 1 paper for Design Journal
  • Reviewed 9 papers for eCAADe 2022 Conference
  • Reviewed 1 paper for İstanbul Technical University Journal of Faculty of Architecture
  • Reviewed 2 papers for Journal of Computational Design
  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Reviewed 1 project proposal for TÜBİTAK 1002 Programme
  • Evaluated 1 applicant for National Interuniversity Board for designation
  • Evaluated 1 applicant for Istanbul Technical University for promotion
  • Evaluated 1 applicant for Istanbul Bilgi University for promotion
  • Attended 1 thesis defense in Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 9 PhD. qualification exams for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 3 PhD. monitoring juries for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Konya Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 MsC. final jury for Istanbul Bilgi University


  • Reviewed 1 paper for Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science
  • Reviewed 12 papers for eCAADe 2021 Conference
  • Reviewed 1 paper for International Journal of Architectural Computing
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Journal of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Faculty of Architecture
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Konya Technical University
  • Attended 3 PhD. monitoring juries for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Istanbul Technical University


  • Reviewed 1 paper for Design Journal
  • Reviewed 9 papers for eCAADe 2020 Conference
  • Reviewed 1 paper for International Journal of Architectural Computing
  • Reviewed 1 paper for İstanbul Technical University Journal of Faculty of Architecture
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Journal of Computational Design
  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 3 PhD. qualification exams for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. qualification exam for Kocaeli University
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Konya Technical University
  • Attended 2 PhD. qualification exams for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 3 PhD. monitoring juries for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Istanbul Technical University


  • Reviewed 6 papers for CAAD-Futures 2019 Symposium
  • Reviewed 2 papers for eCAADe 2020 Conference
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture Journal
  • Attended 1 MsC. final jury for Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Attended 3 MsC. final juries for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 2 MsC. final juries for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Yıldız Technical University


  • Reviewed 5 book chapters for Digital Wood Design
  • Reviewed 3 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Attended 1 PhD. monitoring jury for Yıldız Technical University
  • Attended 3 MsC. final juries for Yıldız Technical University


  • Reviewed 3 papers for CAAD-Futures 2017 Symposium
  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Reviewed 1 project proposal for TÜBİTAK 1002 Programme
  • Reviewed 1 project proposal for TÜBİTAK 2224 Programme
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture Journal
  • Attended 6 PhD. qualification exams for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 1 MsC. final jury for Istanbul Technical University
  • Attended 3 MsC. final juries for Yıldız Technical University


  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Attended 3 MsC. final juries for Yıldız Technical University


  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium 
  • Reviewed 1 project proposal for TÜBİTAK 2224 Programme
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture Journal
  • Attended 1 PhD. final jury for Middle East Technical University


  • Reviewed 4 papers for MSTAS 2022 National Symposium
  • Reviewed 1 paper for Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture Journal


  • Reviewed 2 papers for Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture Journal


İstanbul Bilgi University Undergraduate Courses (conducted in Engish)

  • Architectural Design Studio V-VI
  • Design Mathematics
  • Parametric Modeling
  • Architectural Geometry / Design Geometry
  • Design Computing
  • Architectural Drawing I-II
  • Basic Design I-II

İstanbul Bilgi University Graduate Courses (conducted in Turkish)

  • Design Research Laboratory
  • Theories and Applications of Computational Design

Yıldız Technical University (as a research assistant)

  • Introduction to Architectural Design Studio
  • Architectural Design I 
  • Architectural Design 7
  • Graduation Studio
  • CAAD-Presentation Techniques
  • Computer-aided Design Graduate Studios
  • Graphical Computer Programming
  • Computer-aided Presentation Techniques

ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS (İstanbul Bilgi University)

  • 2019-today: Faculty Academic Board member
  • 2018-today: Faculty Governing Board member
  • 2020-2021: WSUC Accreditation Faculty Representative
  • 2019-2020: Vice Dean
  • 2018-2020: Curriculum Commission member
  • 2017-2020: First-year Internship coordinator
  • 2016-2019: Fabrication Laboratory coordinator
  • 2012-2019: Design Geometry and Computing course coordinators
  • 2018-2019: Vice Head of the Architecture Department
  • 2018: Transfer Commission member


  • 2017: Robot Programming 1. Kuka College, İstanbul: Turkey



  • Danacı, H., Çakmak, A., (2022). Computer-aided Design and Virtual Reality in Architecture. Journal of Scientific Reports-A  48:98-112
  • Kılıçoğlu, S., (2022). An Essay on the Classification of Muqarnas: Geometric Foundations Based on Application in Practice, Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17(34), 331–347
  • Karadağ, D., Tüker, Ç., (2022). A proposal for a computational design and ecology based approach to architectural design studio, International Journal of Technology and Design Education 32:507–532
  • Dinçer, E., Kartal, S., (2022). Generation of Ceiling Rose Patterns by Shape Grammar Approaches in Safranbolu Traditional Houses, Journal of Design Studio 4(1):39-61
  • Ostrowska-Wawryniuk, K., Strzała, M. & Słyk, J., (2022). Form Follows Parameter: Algorithmic-Thinking-Oriented Course for Early-stage Architectural Education, Nexus Network Journal 24, 503–522
  • Onososen, AO., Musonda, I., Ramabodu, M., (2022). Construction Robotics and Human–Robot Teams Research Methods. Buildings 12(8):1192
  • Ming Shan, Ng., Hall, D., Schmailzl, M., Linner, T., Bock, T., (2022). Identifying enablers and relational ontology networks in design for digital fabrication, Automation in Construction 144:104592
  • Yazar, N.E., (2022). Geometric Construction of Rumî. Nexus Network Journal, online first
  • Abdullah, H. K., & Hassanpour, B. (2021). Digital design implications: a comparative study of architecture education curriculum and practices in leading architecture firms. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 31, 401-420
  • Çemrek E., (2021). Işığın bina kabuğuna etkisinin günümüz müze binaları üzerinden incelenmesi, master’s thesis, Bursa Uludağ University
  • Karadoğan, A. (2021). Yeraltı Metro İstasyon Yapılarında Algoritmik Tasarım ile Mekan Yerleşim Kararlarının Geliştirilmesi". Yapı Bilgi Modelleme 3:1-11
  • Yıldırım Altındaş, Ş., (2021). Alışveriş Merkezlerindeki Mağazalarda Parametrik Tavan ve Aydınlatma Tasarımı. Master’s thesis, Karatay University
  • Kılıç, S., Arabacıoğlu, C., (2021). Workshop Held with Distance Education at Undergraduate Level: Using Pattern-Based Parametric Model in Basic Design Lesson, Modular 2: 131-151
  • Dinçer, S., (2021). Benzer Geometrik Şemaya Sahip Mukarnas Tasarımlarının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi, Art-e Sanat 27, 574 – 587
  • El-Khouly, T., Abdelmohsen, S., Riad, A., Abdelkhalek, J., Abdelgawad, N. (2021). Heritage-inspired Interactivity: Traditional Geometric Patterns as an Inspiration for Interactive Architectural Prototypes, SIGRADI 2021 Conference Proceedings 617-628
  • Küçükerbaş, M., (2021). Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım Programı Rhinoceros ile Ses Dosyalarının Forma Dönüştürülmesi, ODU Journal of Social Sciences Research 11(3):817-836
  • Terzi, Ş., B., Alaçam, S., Güzelci, O., Z. & Güzelci, H. (2021). Türkiye’de sayısal tasarımın son 15 yılı: Yapay öğrenme ve içerik analizi perspektifinden bir değerlendirme, MSTAS Conference Proceedings 71-81
  • Odabaş, N. (2020). Mimari Tasarım Ürününün Kendisi ve Temsili Arasındaki İlişki, Tasarım Enformatiği 2 (2020 ): 14-24
  • Öksüz, E. (2020). Tasarımcı bakış açısıyla hesaplamalı düş ünmede prosedürel soyutlamanın değerlendirilmesi için bir yöntem, PhD. thesis, Istanbul Technical University
  • Xiang, X., Yang, X., Chen, J., Tang, R., & Hu, L. (2020). A Comprehensive Model of Teaching Digital Design in Architecture that Incorporates Sustainability. Sustainability, 12(20), 8368
  • Şekerci, C., & Yıldız, P. (2020). Parametrik Tasarım Süreci: İç Mimarlık Eğitim ve Pratiğinde Kullanımı. Online Journal of Art and Design, 8(4)
  • Eren, E. T., & Yılmaz, S. (2020). The student attitudes towards digital and conventional drawing methods in environmental design studios and the impact of these techniques on academic achievement in the course. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-28
  • Eskicioğlu, S., & Öztürk, Ö. B., (2020), Tasarlama Eyleminin İç Mekan Tasarımı Özelinde Algoritmalar İle İlişkisi Ve Yapay Zekalı İç Mekan Tasarlayıcılarının var Edilme Süreci. The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 10(4), 546-554
  • Yazıcı, S. 2020 Computational Design Informed by Natural Systems. Journal of Computational Design, 1(3), 1-16, İstanbul Technical University
  • Karadağ, D., Tüker, Ç., (2020). A proposal for a computational design and ecology based approach to architectural design studio. International Journal of Technology and Design Education
  • Trautmann, L., Piros, A., & Botzheim, J. (2020). Application of the Fuzzy System for an Emotional Pattern Generator. Applied Sciences, 10(19), 6930
  • Akipek, F., (2020). Common-action Gardens: Performative and Parametric Prototypes. Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design, 1-28. Springer
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