About the Program
The MA programs in Film and Television provide an advanced course of study in theory and criticism of cinema and an in-depth exploration into its practice. The program with a thesis enables students to focus on theoretical studies, while the program with a project provides the environment and the technical equipment for the practice of scriptwriting and filmmaking. The students may continue with the academic career or the professional practice depending on their preferences at application.
Candidates must apply with a thesis proposal for the program with a thesis, and with a proposal for a film or screenplay if they want to graduate with a project. Students who are accepted will choose the relevant courses and work in close collaboration with academicians and professionals while developing their work. They may enroll in a limited number of courses from other graduate or undergraduate programs for relevant subjects or for technical proficiency.
International options include exchange programs depending on the student’s choices. MA in Film and Television is part of “4+1 BİLGİ” and is accepting students from all 4th year students of BİLGİ.
For more detailed information about our University, you can fill out the form or contact Graduate Admissions Office (graduate@bilgi.edu.tr / 0212 311 7667)