Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does online learning take place at BİLGİ?

Online learning at BİLGİ takes place through platforms where individuals can manage their own learning time, communicate with other students and academics through collaboration tools, and access courses without being tied to a single location. Asynchronous learning tools such as audio-visual learning materials, documents, presentations, forums, and quizzes that you can access through ‘BİLGİ Learn Online Learning Platform' are prepared by our instructors and transferred to the platform to help you learn. In addition, asynchronous learning tools are supported by synchronous live lectures every week. Live lecture video recordings are transferred to the platform every week so that you can repeat and watch the lectures whenever you want.

2. For which candidates is online education more suitable?

Online education is preferred by candidates who are busy with work or who cannot come to campus classes for various reasons. It is ideal for candidates who want an individualized study.

3. How flexible is the curriculum?

Core courses are open every semester as they are courses that all students will take. Elective courses can change every semester and new ones can be opened.

4. How long does it take to complete the program?

The program is completed in 3 semesters.

5. How much time do I need for the courses?

In order to be successful in the courses, we recommend that you allocate 3-5 hours per week per course.

6. Is there any difference in the status of the diploma obtained in online education and the diploma obtained in formal education?

There is no difference in the status of the online education diploma and the formal education diploma. Our diplomas are İstanbul Bilgi University diplomas approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and have the phrase online education on them.

7. What kind of computer infrastructure do I need?

If you have internet access on your computer or smartphone, you can follow e-MIS live lessons on BİLGİ Learn.


In the interview with the candidate who fulfills the requirements of the application, intellectual capacity, motivation, and ability to work with other students are measured. Candidates accepted to e-MIS Program will be directed to registration procedures.