Program Structure
Psychology is a wide-ranging, dynamic discipline that includes both scientific investigation and professional applications. On the one hand, it aims to understand how people develop, think and learn, feel and relate to one another; on the other, it aims to help to solve problems that may arise in personal, group and organizational life.
Our curriculum is a broad-based, interdisciplinary program designed to acquaint the student with major theoretical and methodological perspectives, as well as with areas of application in psychology. It is also designed to teach skills in the research process. We hope to communicate to our students the excitement of discovery in psychology, along with a critical, analytical and multidisciplinary approach to social issues. In the rapidly globalizing world of the 21st century, psychology graduates are being challenged to apply their knowledge, research skills and analytical abilities to the solution of a wide variety of personal, cultural and intercultural problems. Our program aims to equip our students with the competencies to contribute to this effort. It also lays a solid foundation for those who wish to pursue an advanced degree after graduation.
The first year of the program is devoted to exposure to basic ideas in psychology, the social sciences and humanities, and to developing skills in critical thinking and self expression. The second year concentrates on developing a knowledge base in fundamental areas of psychology as well as research methods and statistics. In the final two years, the program offers more specialized courses and departmental electives, allowing the student to follow his or her special interests within psychology. Fourth year students who wish to do so can also complete an individual research project and present the report as a senior thesis. Throughout the four years, students are encouraged to choose some of their electives from other departments in order to broaden their perspectives and develop greater skills in the multidisciplinary approach.
Click for the list of courses necessary for the graduation.
Click for the list of courses with Restrictions-Prerequisites-Special Conditions.