Turkey Qualifications Framework (TQF)

The History program at İstanbul Bilgi University is accredited by the Turkey Qualifications Framework.

TQF is a national qualifications framework that defines the qualifications gained through vocational, general, and academic education programs, as well as other learning pathways. It is designed to align with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and is referenced to the EQF.

TQF aims to foster the development of new qualifications, the improvement of existing qualifications, the recognition of prior learning, the establishment of horizontal and vertical mobility opportunities between qualifications, and ensuring the international comparability of qualifications.

The presence of the TQF logo on a higher education institution’s program is of great importance as it demonstrates that the institution’s educational qualifications meet European standards.

For more detailed information about TQF, click here.

For more detailed information about the EQF, click here.