Program Structure

Our program name New Media and Communication, which is a sign of foresight in itself, is a summary of the way we’ve regarded our field since the first years of İstanbul Bilgi University. In the 2000s, communication has gone from being perceived as a simple instrument of the social sphere to a network of interaction -a neural system, so to speak- of the social, political and economic power spheres in and among themselves. New Media and Communication is a program constituted upon this understanding; functioning always with a view to the vital aspect of education and defining itself with the notion of “interfering” to this aspect.

As with all the departments of İstanbul Bilgi University, in the first year of New Media and Communication Program students are trained in free, analytical, critical thought and the stand that being a university student requires. Sophomore and junior years are based on the departmental courses and practices that are a requirement of the importance we give to the collaboration of theory and practice. Our students are able to get a taste of production and the experience of “encountering the society” in the second semester of their junior year; and if they wish, in their fourth year they can take an active duty in every field of this “encounter”. The news center of the senior students is founded for this reason, and published the online newspaper HaberVesaire (NewsEtc.). RadyoVesaire (RadioEtc.), which is sustained by the voluntary participation of our students, is one of the most active and creative college radios of Turkey. The “screen” of our faculty, RGB, is a YouTube channel on which students from our department produce and air programs. C-LAB is a multi-course, multi-subject academic media/communication platform where scientific rigor, knowledge, creative powers, skills, competences, and innovative intelligence of students, external stakeholders, C-Lab managers, technical and academic staff come together to imagine, plan and implement real projects.  Within the New Media and Communication Program, a transparent and self-evaluating administration and academic approach based on student participation is seen as essential.

Department blog:

Haber Vesaire


